Friday, October 24, 2008

Pay Per Click Advertising - 3 Superior Tips to Excel With PPC Advertising!

PPC or Pay-per-click is by far the easiest and quickest way of driving consistent and targeted traffic to your website. Some, who aren't as familiar with this term, may find this method daunting and intimidating, but it's actually quite easy once you've learned the basics. Here are tips to get more clicks:

1. Experimenting With Search Engines. The top two that you have to consider are Google and Yahoo. It's a good idea for your PPC campaigns to start small, spreading them over different search engines to see where your market may be lurking. Google AdWords is generally better for technically oriented products, including software, web design, hardware, web design etc. Yahoo is better for products like insurance, music, toys etc.

2. Selecting the Right Keywords. Keyword selection process is important when it comes to writing your PPC ads. Select keywords that are niche specific to your product. Be careful not to choose keywords that are exceedingly popular, this may deplete your funds sooner than expected. See which keywords your direct competitors are using, try searching for them. You can also use overture or AdWords search suggestion tool.

3. Attracting People to Your PPC Ads. You need to make your ads attractive to compel your target market to click through your ad and hopefully make a purchase. One of the simplest methods is to use searched keywords in your title. Create a relevant title by combining different keywords into one ad. Attract attention by differentiating yourself from your competitors. Be creative, be outrageous and be interesting.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ targeted visitors per month at no cost! =>

PPC Advertising Tips - 3 Tips to Make Every PPC Advertising Dollar Work For You!

Pay per Click is the most popular advertising tool in the internet nowadays. And why not? It's inexpensive and it works. But of course, even if the cost is relatively economical, we'd still want to find ways on how to maximize the advertising expenses. Here's how you can make every marketing penny work:

1. Limit your ads to your target market. Eliminate keywords that would mislead users into clicking in your ad. Block keywords like "free" if you are not giving away freebies. Not only is this frustrating for the users, opening ads that are of no use to them, but this will also increase your marketing expenses. Remember, the more clicks (relevant or irrelevant) you get, the more fees you pay.

2. You can also reduce useless click throughs by putting specific description and price on your ad. That way, users will know straight away if your ad is meant for them or not. At least, if they don't agree to your product specification and price, you won't waste one click through to them. This would also ensure your website of high conversion rates.

3. Tracking your conversions and clicks. The core of a successful marketing campaign - whether it's a banner ad, PPC ad or even magazine ad - knows which ads are actually generating profit and sales. Both Overture and AdWords have built in conversion and tracking tools for a holistic view of PPC ad campaigns' effectiveness. You need to know which ones to keep and which ones to cut. By doing this, you will save advertising money which you can use on other more profitable and effective advertising method.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ targeted visitors per month at no cost! =>

AdWords Power Tips - 3 Tips to Instantly Slingshot Your Click Through Rates

Writing a convincing copy that generates clicks using Google AdWords is the key to successful pay per click advertising. Yet writing ads can sometimes prove to be an elusive skill. Here are power tips for writing strong, magnetic ads that will definitely increase your click through rates:

1. Relevant Ads

There is nothing more frustrating than searching for keywords and then finding out that the landing page is not even near relevant to the keyword. People feel cheated, manipulated and misled by these ads. Your ads must be connected to your keywords, as well as your landing pages. AdWords is all about relevancy. Get this trick right and you'll have high click through rates.

2. Include A Feature or A Benefit

Include a key feature or a major benefit of your product. This can be placed in the first line or second line of your ads This will definitely catch the eyes of your niche market, especially if what you are offering is a solution to their problem. Your ad should really speak to your target market's problems and needs. Just make sure that you can deliver whatever it was you were advertising.

3. Include Call To Action

A Call to Action will dramatically increase the response of the consumers. Telling them to act now and that results will follow is a good convincing strategy. You often hear TV shopping network advertise -- "50% for the first 100 callers". Though, everyone knows that even if you're the 101st caller you'd still get the discount, this gives the consumers a sense of need to act.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ targeted visitors per month at no cost! =>

AdWords Secret Tips - These Secrets Will Bring You Fat Profits From AdWords!

It's all about the hits and clicks with AdWords. This is by far the most popular tool in advertising. There are many blogs and forums that teach a marketer how to use this tool. There are even online companies that advertise on teaching you how to use AdWords to your advantage for a minimal fee. But you don't need to employ an advertising guru to teach you how to use AdWords. Here are secrets that are worth knowing when marketing your business.

1. Use the test feature

AdWords allow you to run two ads at the same time. You do not need to change the entire ad, just the first line or the second line. Run it at the same time and see which gets the most clicks. This way, you'll know which approach works better and you can continue advertising on that approach.

2. Have excellent ad copy

Having a great ad copy can make or break your company. This is the real deal maker. You need to write something that would drive your customers in. To do this, you must offer them something that they can't resist. Know your niche well; know how to push their buttons. Write something that would interest them and compel them to take action.

3. Use keywords in the ads

This has become a cliché - a tireless reminder to use your keywords properly. But keywords really work and have its purpose in the advertising world. AdWords is all about relevancy. With relevant keywords, your ad will be place and positioned properly for more visibility. Make sure that your ads, keywords, landing page and your company are connected with each other.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ targeted visitors per month at no cost! =>

Pay Per Click For 2009 and Beyond

Google wants their visitors to have the best viewing experience possible...period. That is the only thing they care about and it's the only thing they SHOULD care about. Personally, I'm sick of marketers complaining about the "rules" that Google lays down as far as pay per click advertising. These rules are in effect for a reason, mostly because marketers just love to abuse things. Well, the free ride is over, in case you haven't noticed. So, if you want to survive in the world of Adwords in 2009 and beyond, then you might want to make note of the few tips that I'm sharing with you today.

At the very top of the list is your prospect's experience with your site. You want it to be the best viewing experience that they can have. That means no cheesy landing pages. When they come to your site, it should be loaded with content and information that actually helps them. Stop looking at these people like they're just a pay check. They have REAL problems and a REAL need for a solution. If you have that solution, provide it. Give them a good reason to buy from YOU. If you don't do this, trust me, you are dead in the water.

But making sure your prospects have a good viewing experience isn't enough. You also have to be a smart business person. That means running your pay per click campaigns responsibly and without waste. Part of doing this is making sure that your daily budget is set and is one you can afford. So many marketers spend above their means and then they wonder why they're going broke. Pay per click can get quite expensive for many keywords. Don't get into a bidding war. Find long tail keywords that don't cost as much and target those people.

Finally, learn how to write an ad. With pay per click, you only get three lines. It's not a lot. And let me tell you, many marketers who can write a decent 2500 character email ad cannot hack pay per click because of the limitations on ads. So you have GOT to get a solid handle on how to write a compelling AdWords ad. If you don't, you can forget about anybody clicking on them and going to YOUR site.

Pay per click can be a great way to getting people to your site. It's targeted and it can be cost effective...if you know what you're doing.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Tired of busting your behind for peanuts online? Go to my web site and find out how I earn a monthly income that exceeds 5 figures and how I can help YOU do the same. Get your free report at

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Can Yahoo Search Marketing Make You Money? 2 "Special Tips"

PPC, everyone talks about PPC and most of the time its all about AdWords. Now don't get me wrong, Adwords is a good program but can you really make money with companies other then Google. Let me cover two very important facts.

1.) Yahoo has a different demographics then Google, and this is something that you can use to your advantage - what demographic, is for you to find out.

2.) Yahoo will have different conversion rates depending on the offer, when compared to AdWords.

Taking these two facts into consideration, yahoo is a good search engine and there search marketing program can be very effective, if you know how to properly target the traffic. Some of the people I have talked to never deal with Yahoo or even MSN thinking that AdWords is the only way to go. If I have any advice its to realize that high quality traffic can come from other sources then just AdWords, and if you know what offers convert, and what that particular demographic is looking for then you can make money. In internet marketing, and just marketing in general we focus so much on one thing, instead of stepping back, and taking in the big picture. Once you are able to see the big picture that you can start creating multiple income sources and expand them without limits.

One last tip, if you are going to do search marketing, stay away from 2nd tier search engines, they have worthless traffic and you are better saving your money.

Make sure to check out my site at - find out why your not making the kind of money you should be online!

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Is MSN Adcenter Worth the Time - 3 Must Know Facts

Everyone these days seems to be advertising online, and while everyone is advertising there are more people losing money online then people making money. This is because you have thousands of people suffering from the learning curve, trying to find exactly what works for them and their website. Using PPC to drive traffic can be some of the best ways to get targeted and interested traffic to your websites. But when you think PPC you think Google AdWords, and that's because they are one of the best. But here are three things you might want to consider MSN adcenter.

1.) MSN adcenter has a different demographics that is interested in different products, if you are able to identify these things then you can market effectively to the MSN "market"

2.) Cost per click is usually 20-30% cheaper then on Google, because of the volume and demand. So if you get a offer that converts better on MSN, you would be able to make that much more money because you are converting more and paying less per click.

3.) MSN Adcenter has something that AdWords doesn't, they have live support, you can call and get advice. You can get a dedicated support specialist that can help you setup and optimize your account, set up tracking etc.

So if you are thinking of getting your feet wet with PPC, you owe it to your self to consider using another company other then AdWords. Just remember to track everything, and offer a high quality product and also offer extreme value to the user.

Make sure to check out my site at - find out why your not making the kind of money you should be online!

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2nd Tier Search Engines - Avoid at All Costs

If you are involved with internet marketing then you are probably familiar with pay per click. The three major players in this field are Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Now those companies are great but I recently got into 2nd tier search engines. I won't give exact names but below are some of my results:

1.) Company 1 - Sent 2000 visitors to an offer that required and email submit for payout, not 1 conversion.

2.) Company 1 - Sent 1000 visitors to a zip submit offer - same result

3.) Company 2 - Sent 2000 people to a debt reduction offer - it was a 3 field offer, 1 conversion.

4.) Company 2 - Sent 1500 to a foreclosure offer - 0 conversions

5.) Company 3 - Sent 3000 people to a survey site, payout was 3.50 for every completed survey, 0 conversions

6.) Company 3 - Sent 1000 people to a "vote" offer paid .25 for every vote cast. 3 conversions - yet again another horrible result

Now the companies that I tested are "good" companies and are ranked as some of the best 2nd tier search engines on the net today. But after my own experience I closed all my accounts with these companies and now focus on SEO, Articles, and PPC. So if you are going to spend your hard earned money on these search engines, make sure to test in small stages, and if you find something that converts make sure that you are ad least getting a 20% ROI. Anything less then that you are better off focusing on something different.

Remember that sometimes campaigns will start out slow, and then pick up steam, while others will start off with huge conversions and then dwindle off, that is why tracking everything is so important.

Make sure to check out my site at - find out why your not making the kind of money you should be online!

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