PPC or Pay-per-click is by far the easiest and quickest way of driving consistent and targeted traffic to your website. Some, who aren't as familiar with this term, may find this method daunting and intimidating, but it's actually quite easy once you've learned the basics. Here are tips to get more clicks:
1. Experimenting With Search Engines. The top two that you have to consider are Google and Yahoo. It's a good idea for your PPC campaigns to start small, spreading them over different search engines to see where your market may be lurking. Google AdWords is generally better for technically oriented products, including software, web design, hardware, web design etc. Yahoo is better for products like insurance, music, toys etc.
2. Selecting the Right Keywords. Keyword selection process is important when it comes to writing your PPC ads. Select keywords that are niche specific to your product. Be careful not to choose keywords that are exceedingly popular, this may deplete your funds sooner than expected. See which keywords your direct competitors are using, try searching for them. You can also use overture or AdWords search suggestion tool.
3. Attracting People to Your PPC Ads. You need to make your ads attractive to compel your target market to click through your ad and hopefully make a purchase. One of the simplest methods is to use searched keywords in your title. Create a relevant title by combining different keywords into one ad. Attract attention by differentiating yourself from your competitors. Be creative, be outrageous and be interesting.
Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:
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